Caslon Language Education Wikimedia (F)

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Caslon Language Education Index

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

false cognates

first language

first language acquisition


flexible multiple model of language and literacy

Flores v. Arizona

fluent English proficient (FEP)

focus book

focused reading

folk bilingualism

  • Type of bilingualism that is associated with working-class immigrant communities where the native language is primarily oral and its use is unsupported by formal education.

foreign language education

formal language

formative assessment(s)

  • These strategies are individualized and internal to the functioning of classrooms. They fall within the spectrum of instructional assessment and have a threefold primary purpose: (1) to allow students opportunities to reflect on their learning in systematic ways, (2) to encourage teachers to provide real-time descriptive feedback to their students on specified learning targets and objectives based on standards-referenced evidence, and (3) to inspire teachers to use evidence from their students to adjust their instructional practices. From 7.9 (Gottlieb) in Common Core, Bilingual and English Language Learners edited by Guadalupe Valdés, Kate Menken, and Mariana Castro

fractional view of bilingualism


  • Organized plan or set of standards or learning outcomes that defines the content to be learned in terms of clear, definable standards of what the student should know and be able to do. A curriculum framework is part of an outcome-based education or standards based education reform design.

full inclusion ESL/mainstream ESL

fully English proficient (FEP)

funds of knowledge
