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(English language learner(s) (ELLs))
(English language learner(s) (ELLs))
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* The descriptive label commonly used in U.S. schools and policy for students acquiring English. The editors prefer the term emergent bilingual. [https://www.caslonpublishing.com/titles/19/common-core-english-language-learners-and-equity/ <i>Common Core, Bilingual and English Language Learners</i>] edited by [https://www.caslonpublishing.com/titles/19/common-core-english-language-learners-and-equity/authors/ Guadalupe Valdés, Kate Menken, and Mariana Castro]
* The descriptive label commonly used in U.S. schools and policy for students acquiring English. The editors prefer the term emergent bilingual. [https://www.caslonpublishing.com/titles/19/common-core-english-language-learners-and-equity/ <i>Common Core, Bilingual and English Language Learners</i>] edited by [https://www.caslonpublishing.com/titles/19/common-core-english-language-learners-and-equity/authors/ Guadalupe Valdés, Kate Menken, and Mariana Castro]
* Students with unique educational needs related to fostering their academic uses of English while they learn in English. Just because a student speaks another language does not automatically make him or her either a potential or actual ELL; frequency of English exposure/use and the level of English proficiency, respectively, determine this. From 1.7 (Linquanti and Cook) in [https://www.caslonpublishing.com/titles/19/common-core-english-language-learners-and-equity/ <i>Common Core, Bilingual and English Language Learners</i>] edited by [https://www.caslonpublishing.com/titles/19/common-core-english-language-learners-and-equity/authors/ Guadalupe Valdés, Kate Menken, and Mariana Castro]
* A term for U.S. students developing English that labels them from a deficit perspective. From 1.9 (García) in [https://www.caslonpublishing.com/titles/19/common-core-english-language-learners-and-equity/ <i>Common Core, Bilingual and English Language Learners</i>] edited by [https://www.caslonpublishing.com/titles/19/common-core-english-language-learners-and-equity/authors/ Guadalupe Valdés, Kate Menken, and Mariana Castro]
* A label that categorizes students as developing in one language. It is growth focused and characterizes the students as learners of one language. This label has an English language development priority and is not invested in growing literacies in students’ home languages. From 1.9 (Santos) in [https://www.caslonpublishing.com/titles/19/common-core-english-language-learners-and-equity/ <i>Common Core, Bilingual and English Language Learners</i>] edited by [https://www.caslonpublishing.com/titles/19/common-core-english-language-learners-and-equity/authors/ Guadalupe Valdés, Kate Menken, and Mariana Castro]
* An official category for students acquiring English that glosses over the tremendous diversity within this large and heterogeneous group. From 1.10 (Flores) in [https://www.caslonpublishing.com/titles/19/common-core-english-language-learners-and-equity/ <i>Common Core, Bilingual and English Language Learners</i>] edited by [https://www.caslonpublishing.com/titles/19/common-core-english-language-learners-and-equity/authors/ Guadalupe Valdés, Kate Menken, and Mariana Castro]
* Students who aspire to be competent multilingual speakers who can adapt English to the language repertoires they bring with them and use it for their purposes in contexts of linguacultural diversity. From 2.5 (Canagarajah) in C[https://www.caslonpublishing.com/titles/19/common-core-english-language-learners-and-equity/ <i>Common Core, Bilingual and English Language Learners</i>] edited by [https://www.caslonpublishing.com/titles/19/common-core-english-language-learners-and-equity/authors/ Guadalupe Valdés, Kate Menken, and Mariana Castro]
* A term used interchangeably with emergent  bilingual, with the understanding that emergent bilingual is an empowering label while English language learner may be viewed as a deficit label—but is still widely used. From 7.4 (Solórzano) in [https://www.caslonpublishing.com/titles/19/common-core-english-language-learners-and-equity/ <i>Common Core, Bilingual and English Language Learners</i>] edited by [https://www.caslonpublishing.com/titles/19/common-core-english-language-learners-and-equity/authors/ Guadalupe Valdés, Kate Menken, and Mariana Castro]
==English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21)==
==English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21)==

Revision as of 16:12, 24 February 2017

Caslon Language Education Index

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

early-exit transitional bilingual education program

early intervention services

echo reading

Education for All Handicapped Children Act, 1975 (P.L. 94-142)

  • The law had four purposes: “(1) to assure that all children with disabilities have available to them. . . . a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs; (2) to assure that the rights of children with disabilities and their parents. . . . are protected; (3) to assist states and localities to provide for the education of all children with disabilities; and (4) to assess and assure the effectiveness of efforts to educate all children with disabilities.”

educational segregation

effective school studies

elective bilingualism

Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

ELL program

emergent bilingual(s)(EB[s])

  • An alternative label for ELLs that draws attention to the other language or languages in the learners’ linguistic repertoires, situates these learners in a continuum of bilingual development, and emphasizes that a fundamental goal of programs for these learners should be to help them attain high levels of proficiency in both their home language and English. Foundations for Teaching English Language Learners, second edition by Wayne E. Wright

emergent biliterate cross-cultural students

emerging bilingual(s)

emerging bilingual strand

English as an additional language (EAL) strand

English as an additional language (EAL) students

English as a second language (ESL)

  • When we use the term ESL, we are describing English as a second language (ESL) as the comprehensible English instruction in which learning academic language is the goal. In some cases we use the term content-based ESL to emphasize that ESL instruction is not taught through a traditional approach in which conversational English is taught through grammar structures and discrete language skills. In comprehensible ESL instruction, the big ideas and requisite terminology of a particular content topic is the focus of the language instruction that is designed to reach English language development standards. Implementing Effective Instruction for English Language Learners by Suzanne Wagner and Tamara King

English for the Children initiatives

English language development (ELD)

English language development programs

English language development standards

English language learner(s) (ELLs)

  • A student who speaks a non-English language and is enrolled in a U.S. school. This term is generally interchangeable with English learner (EL), and one or the other is prevalent in different states or districts. They are often used in educational programs and policies to identify students who are determined to be “limited English proficient” and in need of ELD services. Recently, this term has been replaced by “dual language learner” for children aged 8 and under by many national organizations and local programs. Young Dual Language Learners by Karen N. Nemeth

English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21)

  • A consortium of states committed to supporting educators, member states, and members of the public as they adopt and implement the English Language Proficiency Standards and college- and career-ready standards. The consortium is developing an assessment system based on the English Language Proficiency Standards that will inform instruction so that all English language learners (ELLs) leave high school prepared for college and career success. www.elpa21.org

English language proficiency standards

English learner(s) (ELs)

English-medium program

English-plus resolutions

Ensuring a Continuum of Services (ECOS) Team

Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974 (EEOA)

  • A federal law that declares, “No state shall deny educational opportunities to an individual on account of his or her race, color, sex, or national origin.” Includes the mandate that educational agencies take appropriate actions to help ELL students overcome language barriers that impede equal participation of students in education programs. Foundations for Teaching English Language Learners, second edition by Wayne E. Wright


ESEA Flexibility

ethnolinguistic vitality

European school model

Europe’s Framework Strategy for Multilingualism

Evaluación del desarrollo de la lectura 2 (EDL2) test


evaluation frameworks

executive functions

  • Adaptive aspects of brain function that allow a person to (for example) maintain focus despite distractions or to control shifts in attention. Executive functions are key to school success, and research has shown that they are often more highly developed in bilingual people. Young Dual Language Learners by Karen N. Nemeth

expanded circle

experienced bilinguals

explanatory analysis

external accountability

