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[hide]- 1 Caslon Language Education Index
- 2 narrow reading
- 3 national origin minority group (student)
- 4 Native American Languages Act (1990)
- 5 native English speakers
- 6 native language
- 7 native language arts
- 8 nativism
- 9 newcomer(s)
- 10 newcomer program
- 11 next generation assessments
- 12 Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
- 13 No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB)
- 14 nombres cortos y largos
- 15 normal curve equivalents (NCEs)
- 16 norm-referenced test
- 17 “non-nons”
Caslon Language Education Index
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
narrow reading
- A form of independent recreational reading that entails reading several books on the same subject, by the same author, or in the same genre. Foundations for Teaching English Language Learners, third edition by Wayne E. Wright
national origin minority group (student)
- A student whose inability to speak and understand the English language excludes him or her from effective participation in the educational program offered by a school district, generally a student who was born in a country outside the United States or whose family has an ancestry from a country outside the United States and who speaks a language other than English at home. Teaching Adolescent English Language Learners by Nancy Cloud, Judah Lakin, Erin Leininger, Laura Maxwell
Native American Languages Act (1990)
- Granted Native Americans the right to use and teach their own languages in schools. Foundations for Multilingualism in Education by Ester de Jong
native English speakers
- Students whose primary language background is English. Assessment and Accountability in Language Education Programs by [Margo Gottlieb and Diep Nguyen
native language
- The language or languages that children acquire naturally, without instruction, during the preschool years from parents, siblings, and others in their social environment. A child can have more than one native language if he or she acquires more than one language during the period of primary language development. Learning two languages at the same time is also sometimes referred to as simultaneous bilingual acquisition. (Native language is also referred to as home language, first language, and primary language.) Teaching Adolescent English Language Learners by Nancy Cloud, Judah Lakin, Erin Leininger, Laura Maxwell
- The language (or languages) a child grows up speaking. Foundations for Multilingualism in Education by Ester de Jong
- The first language learned by a child; also called L1. Subsequent languages are called L2, L3, and so forth, according to their position in the sequence of learning. In early childhood education, the presence of any language in the home in the early years should be considered in planning for the child’s educational needs, so the term “home language” is now used more frequently than “native language.” See also home language. Young Dual Language Learners by Karen N. Nemeth
native language arts
- A class in which students who natively speak a particular language can develop their primary language reading and writing (e.g., Spanish for native speakers). This class often allows students to read and appreciate the literature produced in their native language and to learn about the lives and work of the major authors that span the cultural groups who share the native language. Teaching Adolescent English Language Learners by Nancy Cloud, Judah Lakin, Erin Leininger, Laura Maxwell
- Belief that foreigners and all things “foreign” are inferior to what is considered native to the country. Foundations for Multilingualism in Education by Ester de Jong
- Student new to the United States, usually a sequential bilingual who has developed one language and is learning a second language. Teaching for Biliteracy by Karen Beeman and Cheryl Urow
- Students who have just arrived in the United States, typically with limited formal instruction. Most newcomers, as a result of their interrupted or limited schooling, have no or low levels of literacy in their native language. English Language Learners at School, second edition by Else Hamayan and Rebecca Field
- A student who has just arrived in the United States and most likely speaks no English. Newcomer programs are offered by some schools with specific linguistic, cultural, and personal supports available to aid adjustment. Young Dual Language Learners by Karen N. Nemeth
newcomer program
- A program model aimed at students who not only have limited proficiency in English, but also have limited literacy skills in their primary language. These students’ lack of basic literacy in their first language can usually be attributed to a lack of formal schooling in their home countries. Although newcomer programs vary in design, they are all set up to address the unique needs of this special population of students. Newcomer programs, in addition to academic English, may focus on acculturation to the U.S. school system, preparing students for their lives in new communities, and developing students' primary languages. Most newcomer programs share some common features, among which are that the programs are distinct from regular language support programs, that they use instructional strategies aimed at initial literacy development, and that they have courses or activities aimed at orienting students to different aspects of American culture and society. Teaching Adolescent English Language Learners by Nancy Cloud, Judah Lakin, Erin Leininger, Laura Maxwell
- Programs developed at the secondary level, particularly for students with limited schooling or literacy in their native languages. Foundations for Multilingualism in Education by Ester de Jong
- Specially designed programs for newcomers (recent arrivals to the United States who have no or low English proficiency and often have limited literacy in their native language). The goal is to accelerate their acquisition of language and academic skills and to orient them to the United States and to U.S. schools. Some follow a bilingual education approach and others focus on sheltered English. English Language Learners at School, second edition by Else Hamayan and Rebecca Field
- For beginning-level ELLs who have been in the United States for only 1 or 2 years. Programs typically provide intensive English instruction and may include some home language instruction and ample primary language support (PLS). Foundations for Teaching English Language Learners, third edition by Wayne E. Wright
next generation assessments
- Refers to content and English language proficiency assessments developed in response to federal requirements for ESEA Flexibility. These assessments are designed to measure required college and career readiness standards and corresponding English language proficiency standards. Examples include the PARCC and Smarter Balanced assessments associated with the Common Core State Standards, and the WIDA (ACCESS 2.0) and ELPA21 assessments. Most of these assessments are delivered by computer or mobile devices and include technology-enhanced questions that go beyond traditional paper-and-pencil multiple-choice tests. Some also use computer-adaptive testing techniques. Foundations for Teaching English Language Learners, third edition by Wayne E. Wright
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
- New “next generation” science standards developed by national science and science education associations in cooperation with over half of the states. Likely to be adopted by most states in the country. Foundations for Teaching English Language Learners, third edition by Wayne E. Wright
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB)
- The 2001 reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, with an emphasis on accountability to ensure that all students met grade level expectations by 2014. Foundations for Multilingualism in Education by Ester de Jong
- A reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Places heavy emphasis on accountability through standards and high-stakes testing. Foundations for Teaching English Language Learners, third edition by Wayne E. Wright
nombres cortos y largos
- Strategy for teaching initial literacy skills in Spanish (concept of word, syllable awareness, letter sounds, and strong and weak vowels) based on meaningful text: the students’ names. Teaching for Biliteracy by Karen Beeman and Cheryl Urow
normal curve equivalents (NCEs)
- A statistic descriptive of results from a standardized, norm-referenced test in which the bell curve is divided into 99 equal segments or intervals. Assessment and Accountability in Language Education Programs by Margo Gottlieb and Diep Nguyen
norm-referenced test
- Standardized test designed to measure a particular skill or knowledge-base, wherein student scores are ranked by performance and distributed along a bell curve expressed in percentages, percentiles, or stanines. Special Education Considerations for English Language Learners, second edition by Else Hamayan, Barbara Marler, Cristina Sánchez-López, and Jack Damico
- A test designed to compare a student’s score to those of other students. Test results are usually reported as percentile rankings (e.g., a student at the 71st percentile rank scored higher than 71 percent of the students in the test’s norming population, that is, a group of students who have already taken the test). Foundations for Teaching English Language Learners, third edition by Wayne E. Wright
- Nonspeakers of both English and their home languages. This label can stigmatize the bilingualism of a subgroup of students. From 1.10 (Flores) in Common Core, Bilingual and English Language Learners edited by Guadalupe Valdés, Kate Menken, and Mariana Castro